About Us
Edwards English School has completed more than a decade in Jamtara. It is our belief that we have made our School a safe haven for children, and a training ground for their future life. This covers a foundation in education, including discipline and moral values in our students. Over 150 years ago Messrs. Edward Cornelius and W. S. Body, two visionaries, came to Jamtara with an earnest desire and dedication to serving the people. Basic education, medical care, and other community services among the children and various communities were their areas of priority.
“Edwards” is a dream-fulfilled by Late George Kurien and Late Achutha Damodara Shenoy, the founding fathers. We continue to carry the burning torch handed over to us by them as an expression of love and thoughtfulness towards the children of this place. We pledge to make renewed endeavors to Make the students aware of their dignity as God’s creation. Train them to use their judgment, will, and inherent capabilities. Cultivate in them social awareness. Equip them for future careers and become successful citizens os India. Develop a well-balanced personality that will promote a better world where love, fellow-feeling, and service prevail. We continue to update our facilities, and also our thinking and coping skills.
We believe in the maximization of our service and the full utilization of human resources at our disposal. We also review and recalibrate our policies and programs at regular intervals and modify them to be in tune with the demands of the time. We thank the various government officials, parents, and people of Jamtara for their co-operation and encouragement.